Joel 1 vs 1-20

Apr 28, 2021    Pastor Matt Korniotes

Setting up the Book of Joel might be the easiest introduction that I’ve ever done! Why? Because just so little is either known or agreed upon regarding when this Book was written and who this Joel is. There are no explicit or obvious references in the book to objectively datable persons or events. For this reason, most Bible commentators attach no great importance to the precise dating of this Book, and neither do I. You can play with some of the things and events mentioned, and you can play with the many scriptures that are perhaps quoted by Joel (some say other scriptures quote him) and you can come up with some ideas but honestly, doesn’t interest me. If it interests you, have at it!

So, who is this Joel? Answer is, we really don’t know. One Bible teacher concluded that there are upwards of 13 different Joels in the Old Testament. Joel was the name of the firstborn son of the prophet Samuel. Joel was the name of one of David’s mighty men, the brother of Nathan. (Just to name a few) So, which one is this? No way to know. Could actually even be yet another Joel!

Even today, Joel remains a common name in modern culture, however not too popular in America, its ranked 187th in terms of boy’s names here but interestingly, in Finland, its ranked 15th! So, next Joel you meet, ask him or her if they are from Finland. Good convo starter. Unless its Joel Osteen. Start that conversation differently if you know what I mean, HA!

So, who is this Joel? Well, a messenger of God. Fact. Indisputable. Everything else we try to reach for ends up doubtful or just in some sort of human tug-of-war argument which honestly, I am not interested in at all. Joel, a messenger of God with rich meaning in the name itself.

Joel literally translated means, “The Lord is God.” (Yahweh is God) This is so important. Critically important even to the content of this book as we study through it. This statement, this thought, this personal decision for each and every one of us. Who have you assigned/allowed God to be to you in your heart of hearts? This goes all the way back to the original revelation of reality given to us in Deuteronomy 28. That if we choose to make God our Lord, blessing will come. Completeness of heart and safety of spirit will rise in our lives. But if not, if we choose differently, then hardship, incompleteness and loss will be our personal life harvest. Simply put, blessings on obedience, trust and submission to God, and curses on disobedience and rejection of the authority and glory of God.

Yahweh is Lord. That is the proclamation that must permeate and predominate all other actions, decisions, emotions, attitudes and ventures of the heart. This is to live as Christ lived. This, simply put, is to be a Christian. All the do’s and the don’ts…not needed…this one thing is needed. God…You are MY Lord.

This personal stop-the-presses, final decision, identity statement within a heart denotes ultimate respect towards God, preeminent devotion unto Him, transcendent trust of Him, extreme honor upon Him, absolute leadership and shot-calling in your daily navigations and decisions, works and actions in your life. This is paramount…have you made this decision? If not or if you’re not sure…Christian, will you make it today? There is no other decision that needs to be made compared to this one…this one decision will determine your intimacy with God, your blessed or cursed course ahead of you, your tomorrow, your identity, your character…this decision determines who you are. Would you just make this decision right now? God is Lord.

That is this Joel and that is truly the theme of this entire short Book….

Joel Chapter 1 Verses 1 – 3
•The term “elder” is a term of honor, leadership and wisdom. All of those things come not in your accomplishment, intellect, ability, or presence. Those things, honor, leadership and wisdom all come in the heart declaration and personal decision that God is Lord. No one that has ever lived has had shame brought upon his or her character that has made the One true God their Lord. Their Leader. No matter how their life went or ended, each person in all of time and places that has resolved to honor God as their personal Lord has been a person of honor, leadership and wisdom.
•Do it today…and God does even a new work in your heart of hearts. You may have been a Christian your whole life or maybe just a year, devote yourself to goodness, righteousness, holiness, and truth…give yourself over completely to God who today is perhaps finally your personal Lord and Savior, and a new creation…again.
•God will speak to you, show you, lead you forward to the point He will have you saying, “Has anything like this happened in your days?” No! Because in all of time God has only made one of you…and what He wants to do with you, and for you, and in you…it’s never happened before. Even if you tonight feel far from the Lord, in a moment, God can bring beauty from ashes…a lost-cause heart to healing light…He’s already made the decision to do that for you…it’s your decision to say yes to Him and promote Him from the God of truth to the God of you…
Joel Chapter 1 Verse 4
•The idea being presented here is that of the effects of sin. Consequence of sin comes in waves, cycles, layers…and in many ways its relentless in its attack. Consequence doesn’t run on batteries, its not gas powered, its spiritually powered…the realm of the spirit is not powered by some sort of renewable resource that is limited…it just is…it’s constant…it never runs out. Once you figure that out then you search better. Its not time that heals, its not drugs, alcohol, toys or treasure…the only way to stop the chewing, swarming, crawling and consuming that sin wants to do to you, and that consequence will do continually and without mercy to your life and loved ones, the only way to stop that is to promote God. Godly sorrow leads to repentance and repentance in play changes everything! Promote God in your life!
•Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. The father of sin is the enemy and the power of sin is death…you and I cannot defeat that enemy…but God is able. Greater is He. So promote the Lord in your heart to the top spot. Avoid the curses all together…but even in the midst of the curse…if that’s you, this is the game changer. The battle winner. The war ender. Joel’s call to you, to me, to any receiver…to stop these cycles of nonsense and hurt is ….wake up!!!!
Joel Chapter 1 Verses 5 – 7
•There is an element of sorrow…without pain there will be no change. But let shame go. That is not from the Lord. No where in the Bible do we see or read of God sending shame from heaven. Shame can go…shame lies to you about you. Sorrow fuels repair. Godly sorrow takes even what the enemy meant for evil and flips it on its head and uses it for good. Shame leads to pride and more damage. 2 Corinthians 7:10 says, “Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.”
•And so, there is a bit of mourning and humility that just has to be part of the equation. Of what I could have been and how I have missed it. The fierce lion roaming about seeking whom he can devour has crept in, perpetrated my space…caused all kinds of cost. The white branch literally speaks of barrenness. But take heart…remember what verse 5 started with! It wasn’t woe is me all is lost…it was awake!
•Yes, I’m here. Yes, I’ve missed this, yes I’ve really messed up…but even yet, God has not left me! He still calls me His beloved! He still has that sin slingshot ready to cast my sin as far as the east is from the west…it is time for me to simply fold into my Father and allow His righteousness, His strength, His unquenchable love to surround me and fight this thing for me!! How do I tag Him in? True and Godly repentance. There is hope NOW…head up, eyes forward, trust and MOVE OUT!
Joel Chapter 1 Verses 8 – 12
•Honest…these are the conditions of the heart, the circumstance of life and the reward of living after the flesh that God calls you away from and desires to save your from and out of….
Joel Chapter 1 Verse 13
•There is also a spiritual element of consequence to sin…as a spiritual man or a spiritual woman, your soul craves intimacy, proximity and communion with God. That is the source of joy in your life. And when the flesh is promoted, if God is demoted…in the circumstance, decision, or situation, then your joy is interrupted. Its not gone…one moment of repentance restores the full measure of joy…not lost…you’re not lost…the path just got a bit foggy. In that moment, take His hand…holding a father’s hand, the child need not even have their eyes open…its almost a position of rest. This is the advantage of the born-again child of God…even in the midst of failure…
Joel Chapter 1 Verses 14 – 20
•How extremely encouraging! HA! But the theme isn’t the sin…what’s underneath, above and around all of this is a God that is fully prepared to unleash grace! What does the situation need? Grace. What do I need? Grace. What do I need to give? Grace. Who is the Author, Owner, Manufacturer, Distributor, Genesis and Supplier of Grace? Promote Him. And that paper of promotion, that assignment and allowance of promotion…its repentance. Simply agree with God, tell Him about it, tell Him everything…and then wait for instruction from Him. It will come immediately. Joy will come immediately. And then stand back on your feet and obey Him. The entire future course filled with fog will light up like the Eastern Sunrise, and everything will be different as you walk hand in hand with your perfect Father.