Ezekiel 38 vs 1-23

Dec 23, 2020    Pastor Matt Korniotes

Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verses 1 – 3
•Most agree and believe that Gog is not a land itself but rather an element, and most probably the ruler or leader, of Magog as it says here, “Gog, of the land of Magog.” Magog simply translated means, “The place of Gog,” and so Magog is all three or affiliated with all three of the places listed here including Rosh, Meshech and Tubal as Gog is listed as their prince.
•There is a lot of discussion with interesting points coming from all angles of the conversation as to who specifically or where specifically these places are in our modern-day placement of world geography. The only completely accurate answer is to say, we don’t, and really no one knows for sure. We will all one day know for sure…do you know when? Tonight after I tell you, HA! No….when this comes to pass. Why? Because we are reading the most accurate, trustworthy written script in all the world. Jesus said in Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”
•It is believed, one perspective, and I choose to present to you the perspective that is the most reasonable and researchable in my conclusion but you are welcomed and encouraged to dig in yourselves much more than I will today…it is believed that Gog is the prince, the chief ruler of Magog. Magog is mentioned in Genesis 10:2 as a descendant of Japheth most likely settling in the north, giving birth to a people/territory and Magog in context of these verses is itself comprised of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.
•Accepted by most perspectives and Bible scholars, Rosh, Meshech and Tubal speak of the area we now know as Russia. Meshech and Tubal were peoples to the north of Israel, located near the Black and Caspian seas which is the area today of Russia. Interestingly, and perhaps related although not necessarily, Rosh sounds similar to Russia, Meshech sounds similar to Moscow, and Tubal sounds similar to Tobolsk which is located today in Russia. Again, that may be pure coincidence.
•Perhaps not coincidence, if you search into the history of the Great Wall of China you will find that it is also referred to as the Wall of Magog…further supporting the locales discussed.
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verses 4 – 6
•This speaks of an invasion attempt or at the very least, a homeland attack on Israel and if this is Russia and her partners, then that is certainly a feasible circumstance. Today Russia is no friend to Israel and in fact are friends with several of Israel’s enemies including Iran and Syria, not to mention known bad players such as Hamas. We’ve also seen just in our recent history several pressing economic reasons, even above political and ideological reasons, as to why Russia would consider even making this move against Israel…or should I say, leading this move.
•Persia is of course modern-day Iran and we can easily identify Ethiopia and Libya. Gomer’s last name is not Pyle (HA) but rather Gomer and Togarmah are understood to be the area of modern-day Turkey. Now that’s an interesting one…because just a few decades ago, Turkey and Israel were buddies…sharing intelligence and all but just recently, as of late, Turkey under Erdogan has become quite the aggressor and enemy of Israel.
•The idea here is that the nations allied with God and Magog really come from all directions against Israel and there is a hint of perhaps more nations being involved as well simply in the number of nations mentioned being seven which Biblically could also mean a complete coalition and not just these specific nations listed…more on that later.
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verses 7 – 8
•Many interpret verse 8 to give the timing of this prophecy at the time that Israel comes back into the land but conceivably the timing of this prophecy is anytime…why? Because they are indeed back!
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verse 9
•Here’s where I see a window of opportunity for other nations not listed to be heavily involved. Not only do we read here, “many peoples,” but super interesting for me, we read, “covering the land like a cloud.” Listen, what do we have today that runs the world? The cloud…this could speak of all types of cyber-enabled attacks from many different nation-state players…
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verses 10 – 12
•Not possible just a few decades ago as Israel didn’t have anything to desire but just in the last few decades, this little country, tiny in relation to its neighbors has grown mighty in its worth, technology and resources. You may not know this but the most valuable top export of Israel is cut diamonds. And just to give you an idea of their growth or prosperity, Israel’s GDP percentage growth from 2008-2018 is 41%! (US is about 14%)
•Now you might say, “This is far-fetched…Israel by no means dwells safely.” Totally agree…I’m not sure you can find any nation, state or person that does dwell “safely” in our world. This word translated for us as “safely” can also be translated, “confidently,” or, “in assurance.” (As it is in other places of the Old Testament.)
•Today, Israel certainly dwells confidently. With perhaps the greatest military and intelligence, defense and counter-intelligence technology and capability in the world, second to only the United States. And it’s interesting, we don’t dwell safely, there is not safety especially with the politically charged narrative around each person’s safety of health today…but even so…we can and ought to dwell confidently.
•In fact, John wrote in 1 John 5:13, “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.” We don’t have safety…tomorrow is not promised…and look, for the Christian, that should be ok…we live in assurance and confidence secured for us by Jesus Christ at the cross and empty tomb that should drive peace in our hearts.
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verse 13
•This seems to indicate that other nations and peoples may become involved as they see Gog and Magog and their allies coming against Israel and then wanting to get in on the plundering. Like a feeding frenzy. Blood in the water. They know of Israel’s great technology and resources and if they are going up for grabs, they want in. Or, it could be that a group of nations may even object to the invasion.
•Now Sheba and Dedan are modern day Saudi Arabia while Tarshish is commonly accepted to be the area of modern-day Spain, but others argue that it is modern-day England. But who are the young lions? Some postulate that this is the only place where the western world fits into this prophecy…as the lion is a common symbol of the English and the fact they are young could be a pointer towards the US. Total guess…but interesting none the less.
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verses 14 – 20
•There can be no doubt that what we are reading is indeed yet to come. No event in history can be applied to these prophecies and some have offered that what we just read describes the affect and fall out from a nuclear attack.
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verse 21
•It could be that as the surrounding nations gather against Israel that they begin to battle each other for access to the proposed plunder but truly, whenever man goes to war, it is against his own brother. This includes even our own personal wars…even in our own hearts. This harkens all the way back to the first war which took place between brothers, Cain and Abel.
Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verses 22 – 23
•God is made known not only for the calamity and destruction of the invading forces, not only for the protection and defense of His people, but for the fact that thousands of years before any of this could even possibly come about, He told us of it. This is the confidence of the follower of Christ. That we, like children under the protection of a good Father, are prepared for what is yet ahead. And God is magnified by all that know the Word and draw near to the Lord because in them, in you and in me, dwells a safety unknown and unknowable by the world.