Ezekiel 47 vs 1-23

Apr 14, 2021    Pastor Matt Korniotes

Ezekiel Chapter 47 Verses 1 – 2
 This is interesting because this is definitely different than any
characteristic that we’ve ever seen concerning the Temple. Ezekiel
says that he says water flowing from the temple itself. A couple of
things here. This means that the temple is somehow the source…
Water is a critical element of life. In fact, it is the most important
resource in the world. Check this out…it is essentially what we are as
water makes up 2/3 of the human body and 70% of the human brain is
 Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid including
sulfuric acid. It is water that regulates the earth’s temperature. Look,
why am I going into this? Because the most essential element that you
and I need today in order to be complete, to be well, is to receive and
to relate and to walk with the Lord. And the fact that water flows
eastward, towards the world, out of the temple as its source illustrates
that for me very clearly.
 The source isn’t a job, a marketplace, a stock market, a stadium or a
store…the source is the Lord Himself. Jesus said to the woman at the
well in John 4:10, “If you know who it is you are talking to, that I am
the gift of God for even you, then you would have asked Him and He
would have given you living water.” This water flowing is that living
water and I submit to you that living water is available to you and to I
today in the act and effort and faith and trust in God.
 Ephesians 5:25-27 says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ
also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify
and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word...” Significant.
The Word of God itself is likened to this living water. Jesus said, John
7:37-38, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and drink. He who

believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow
rivers of living water.”
 Now, check this out…did you know, fact, water is the most common
substance found on earth? It’s intriguing…we have the Word of
God…its right here. Plentiful, available, powerful and effective…and
yet so often I still turn to the marketplace, or the job, or the
ministry…or something else…but none of those things cleanse, fill,
give life.
 Point complete but hold that thought for a little bit later in the study…
Ezekiel Chapter 47 Verses 3 – 6
 This is one of my least favorite stretches of scripture… Why?
Because I’m not strong enough for this. I’d like to explain it to you,
so that you might be prepared and perhaps even enlightened, but I
fear this in my life. Just being honest with you.
 You see, what’s happening here is that Ezekiel, in a way, is being
tested. A measurement is a test of sorts. Seeing if something sizes up.
At first, notice, Ezekiel doesn’t go into the waters but through the
waters and that speaks of and points to the thought of a trial, tough
stretch perhaps in your life…in my life…and this first bit, Ezekiel is
only up to his ankles. No problem. No danger. Still wet, still
uncomfortable, perhaps his Nike Sandals are ruined…but no problem.
 Then another trial. See every time its 1,000 cubits, same length and so
there is a harmony, an identicality to what is happening…and so,
trial one complete, you are big enough. Trial two…up next. This time,
knee deep. There’s a loss of power here. Mobility. Ankle deep
water, you can take some strides. Knee deep, different story. That
trial hit different. But still, you’re big enough.
 Third trial up next. At this point, walking even becomes difficult.
And now perhaps you see why I don’t necessarily look too forward to

these things. Even walking, daily step by step, hard through this
one…and yet God calls us even further. Fourth…this time, no
footing…it’s all gone. Overwhelmed…I can try to swim, but this one
is not able to be crossed…and the gap between verse 5 and verse 6 is
just the absolute worst. I hate that gap. But after I have been through
this and verse 6 comes, I learn. I learn that God is faithful and that
even when I am not able, God becomes my able. He says, “See this
now?” That word is consider, respect, pay attention, understand and
enjoy… And His heart returns me.
 That word for return oddly could be translated, “resurrects.” It’s a
return from death…like a rebirth, a breaking through…this is the
cycle of God’s faithfulness. And learning that…when I am weak,
then I am made strong. Teaches me how to swim. I don’t look
forward to this at all…just being honest…but knowing this helps. Not
always in the trial…in the trial I just want it all reversed and/or super
fast-forwarded…but by faith, I am SURE that is coming because I
have learned and am learning that God is faithful.
 I just want to give you one more thing here…silly and short…but the
pattern of these verses is clear. “He brought me out,” “He brough
me through,” “He returned me.” That’s the pattern and God is
faithful. Stay the course, keep the faith.
Ezekiel Chapter 47 Verses 7 – 9
 Alright so quick point here. The Word of God gets applied to a
situation, or an attitude, or a reaction, or whatever…and then it gets
applied to another, and another and another…and that water flows.
All of these little streams that are healed in and of themselves flow all
the way to the main event…to the heart (the sea), …and ultimately the
whole of you heals.

 Now, how can the sea heal when it’s the sea…wretched and
bitter…how can an inflow heal that? Simple. There also has to be an
outflow. Ugh, God help me with this one! I’m terrible at this but God
gives me such grace and instruction and wisdom through people that
He places around me! We have GOT to let things go! Let today be
today and yesterday be yesterday. Grudges, offenses, pains, attitudes,
that which is not good…why do we/I hang on to those things so
tightly? Here’s the key…The seas are healed by the inflow because
in some way, the inflow allows for the outflow as well.
 So, you wanna let it go? Me too. Be healed, feel better, rise up?
Increase the inflow! I can’t just let it go. I’m far too stubborn and
frankly too humanly sharp for that…but I can increase the inflow and
that somehow enables the outflow. Hopefully that makes sense!
Ezekiel Chapter 47 Verse 10
 This is in the area of today what is called The Dead Sea. We won’t be
going to En Gedi on our upcoming trip to Israel but one of the reasons
tour groups go is because of this prophecy. There at En Gedi today
there is a natural spring of water that flows over the top of the cliff and
down towards The Dead Sea. According to Ezekiel, this area will be
significant to say the least in the coming Millennial Reign.
Ezekiel Chapter 47 Verses 11 – 12
 One thing to note here that may help you, it helps me, is that as the
healing waters flow, not everything is just turned perfect. Swamps and
marshes aren’t healed. It’s ok to not be perfect when you’re walking
with the Lord or healing or whatever. This drives me crazy personally
as I like things right and good all and everywhere. But the truth is,
well the thing is, we just gotta keep going in the grace of God. If
everything is perfect then where is there room for grace. So be ok with

not being ok…completely. That’s coming. And God knows and He
wants me to know (maybe this is just for me) that I am to walk with
Him and to progress and move forward even when there are some
marshes and swamps along the way. My problem is that I stop and
stare at the marshes wondering why they’re not perfect and I miss the
huge flowing perfect river and the entire healed sea… Don’t be like
me (but I’m learning).
 Notice the reason why this river heals and feeds and brings life
wherever it goes is because of its source connection. It is not just a
flowing river but it is a body of water that is always in the sanctuary of
God. That speaks of constant connection, incessant relationship and
walking with the Lord…and the connection to the source is truly the
connection to all of the other things so very much needed.
Ezekiel Chapter 47 Verses 13 – 23
 I love this. This would be shocking to Ezekiel and every other Jewish
reader of this text. Even strangers are given land…the outcast, the
gentile, the uncircumcised, the servant and the stranger. They all have
an inheritance in the giving of God. God will not rest until He has
done all that He can do for everyone, everywhere…
 This is the character of the King of kings. That what He does and how
He does it and how He loves and who He loves, we simply observe
and wonder. Because He just loves. He just blesses. He just gives.
He’s just good. And you and I and them and they…all of us, but you
especially, He has an inheritance for you. I’m going to go and get
mine. By His mercy, grace and love…my prayer tonight is that God
would increase my faith!