Ezekiel 42 & 43

Mar 10, 2021    Pastor Matt Korniotes

Ezekiel Chapter 42 Verses 1 – 11
•“According to plan,” is such an odd statement for Ezekiel to include. I my minds eye he is trailing his heavenly guide, and as the guide shows him a measurement or a structure, Ezekiel is recording in detail what he sees. And yet here, this statement, that somehow Ezekiel was aware that this was all in accordance with a plan that already existed.
•Ok first thing I would say is, could I just have a copy? So that I don’t have to recreate it all as we go through step by step! Right!!? There are, however, two things that occur to me as a result of this contemplation.
•First, in the presence of the heavenly host, in the Lord’s house, no doubt with the Lord even there Himself, Ezekiel gets an overwhelming sense that there is order, there’s reason in it all, there is a plan. It’s also true in our days, times and seasons. And this is why it is so important to be close to the Lord in your relationship. To be in fellowship, to be in the Word, to take time to pray and to seek the Lord… There is great comfort and peace in the presence of God… Like He’s working it all out… and in a holy, higher and heavenly way, there is a plan in place…
•But you still may just have to let that unfold step by step. And that’s the second thing that occurs to me. If the plan were just given to Ezekiel, the blueprint was just put into his hands, then he would not feel the height of the walls, he would not experience the width of the courtyards, he would not understand the length of the chamber walls… Even though there is a plan, and God has the ending worked out even from before the beginning, it is to Ezekiel’s benefit that he takes to the hard and narrow path… I certainly don’t like it that way when I’m in it…but once it is all complete, it makes all the difference.
Ezekiel Chapter 42 Verses 12 – 13
•Interesting and important concept on display here…the temple area is huge and at the center of it is the Lord’s house, but all around, in small areas of the larger and in the corners of the structures there are private chambers…and I wrote this in my Bible I don’t know how long ago, “This teaches me that my attendance upon God in public worship and church service does not excuse me from the duties of the closet.” If it’s not who I am when I am not at church, its not who I am…
Ezekiel Chapter 42 Verse 14
•I love this! Another amazing picture and critically important and helpful example! This speaks of privacy, intimacy and singleness with the Lord! Intimacy means that there is something there, something between two that is reserved for only them…and that special reservation makes the relationship particular and unique. Special for both parties. The priests would have specifics reserved for their service and relationship only for the Lord. What do you have in your heart of hearts, in your relationship with the Lord? Is it your approach, openness, obedience, trust…what is it? What is it that you have only and reserved for Jesus Christ? Here is where is intimacy in your walk…and intimacy and power and joy and confidence go hand in hand in hand in hand when it comes to your relationship with the Lord.
•Uncompromised trust. Unquenchable adoration. Incessant gratitude. Interminable dependence. Undisguised and unmasked heart of hearts. Just a few of the things in my life that are reserved only for the Lord. All of those things are only for my King…everyone else will trample them underfoot…not because everyone else is bad…but because everyone else is not Him. So, I’ve bucketed up all of the things that are holy, all of the specifics, and in my heart of hearts and walk with the Lord, those things adorn me…that’s what I bring. And He brings grace, faithfulness, goodness, guidance, righteousness… And we go on together…
Ezekiel Chapter 42 Verses 15 – 20
•One thing that is so wonderful about this temple scene is that for 40 chapters Ezekiel has had it pretty rough and the messages given to him from God for the people have no doubt been hard for him to deliver but he has done it. Everything that has been asked of him. He has laid himself aside time and time again and so now we have chapter after chapter walking him through the details of God’s house. I think that is pretty wonderful.
Ezekiel Chapter 43 Verses 1 – 2
•If you recall, it was towards the East that the glory of the Lord departed the temple back in Ezekiel Chapter 10. Now today, although it is the gate to Herod’s Temple, not the gate to this temple, today, the East Gate is sealed. It was sealed by the Turks when they controlled Jerusalem, knowing that the Jews had a prophecy that their Messiah would return through the East Gate. Not only is it sealed, but there is a Muslim cemetery there today.
•But, turn over to chapter 44 and look at verse 2. “And the Lord said to me, “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter by it, because the Lord God of Israel has entered by it; therefore, it shall be shut.”” So really, in sealing it they have hastened the fulfillment of prophecy….so…yea…FAIL! HA!
Ezekiel Chapter 43 Verses 3 - 9
•I love this scene. The glory of God enters. The Spirit of God lifts him up. And then, a “Man” stood beside Ezekiel and strengthened him, and God spoke with him and said, “This is the place of My throne.” This is a trinitarian scene, one, and two…God is holy, and no one can look upon God and live, and yet it is the work of the Holy Spirit that enables us to be made clean, be made holy so that we can be in His presence and not immediately melt…and all the while it is the “Man” that stands with us and comforts and strengthens…a wonderful picture of the Christian experience!
•And verse 9 speaks of relationship. Give and take, my job your job. Two-way street. Put down the things of the flesh and let’s go this thing together, God says! What is that in New Covenant speak? Repentance…turn away from being in love with sin and turn towards a relationship with God and the promise is…He will be with us!
Ezekiel Chapter 43 Verses 10 – 11
•Revelation continues! If you do make the personal decision to turn away from sin, stiff-arm the ways of the flesh in who you allow yourself to be, then the measurements of God’s ways, God’s will, God’s place, God’s plan, God’s purpose…all of the details, now He is free to make known to you. God cannot make the depth of things like wisdom, reality, purpose, power, righteousness, joy…He cannot make those things understood and known and experienced by me when all I do is choose the flesh! That will literally train me to stay a train wreck. God is too good and cares too much for me than that. So, my job, turn…go after Him…and then His promise, storehouses of heaven are opened to me in terms of the details of understanding…and with that begins the work of spiritual maturity in my life.
Ezekiel Chapter 43 Verses 12 – 20
•To take this literally, which is certainly what I intend to do, then one must conclude that there are on-going sacrifices even in the presence of the Lord. Why? Well, one thought. If this is the Millennial Reign time period, which I do believe it is, then there are four people groups there. Those that were dead in Christ and resurrected at the rapture, those that were alive and raptured, those that were killed for their faith during the Great Tribulation, and those that simply survived the Great Tribulation.
•So, it could be, in that fourth category, that these sacrifices are for them. Why? Under the New Covenant we are saved by grace through faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Welp, problem. They’ve all seen Jesus. He returned in Revelation Chapter 19. So, how is it now that these are able to dwell on an earth in the literal presence of a holy God? Sacrifice as Hebrews 9:22 says, “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.” Just a possible thought. Certainly not without difficulties.
Ezekiel Chapter 43 Verses 21 – 24
•Ok, I like that. God doesn’t just want sacrifice; He wants seasoned sacrifice. Jesus said in Matthew 6:17-18, “When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place.” It’s not enough for me to come to church, or to be a pastor or preacher or teacher or husband or father or employee or supervisor or friend…He wants my heart in it! Seasoned up!
Ezekiel Chapter 43 Verses 25 – 27
•Eight is the number of new beginnings. Do the work, receive the conviction of the Holy Spirit for your sin. Repent, turn towards God…having received the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for your sin…and even tonight for you could be a new beginning. 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation, all things have passed away, behold all things are made new.”