

"Seek first the Kingdom of God..." — Matthew 6:33

Our desire is to love & encourage children in discovering Jesus & His Word for themselves. At C4 Explorers, we believe that each child is unique and precious to God. We aim to provide a safe, engaging, and nurturing environment where children can grow in their faith.


-Infants | Up to 18 months
-Walkers | 18 months-4 years old
-Pre-School | 4 years old & potty trained
-K-2nd Grade
-3rd-5th Grade


All servants are required to obtain a background check before teaching & helping with the children. Safety is high-priority. We use a number-matching system for check-out and security personnel are always on deck during service times. 
We understand that caring for children is a significant privilege - we thank you for allowing us to love & train your kids in the things of the Lord. We look forward to seeing you!


To learn more, please contact us!

Shelby Mayard

Children's Ministry

Contact Shelby Mayard