Our Story
The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way. - Psalm 37:23a

Our History
On March 13, 2011, the doors of Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek opened at a nearby middle school, and Pastor Matt and his wife April began serving the community through the simple teaching of the Word of God, line-upon-line. Since that time, the Lord has greatly blessed Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek! The fellowship grew, and in May of 2012, the Lord provided a church space at the Southfield Shopping Center right off Arapahoe Road. Only a year later, the Lord provided exceedingly and abundantly by leading us to the facility that Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek occupied for the next 8 years off of Caley Avenue! In November of 2021, we prayerfully took another step of faith and now call 6782 S. Potomac Street in Centennial home. We look forward to seeing what the Lord will do in and through us as we serve Him at this awesome facility He provided!
If you ask Matt if he's a senior pastor, a church planter, or a disciple, he will simply answer that he's just a rescued sinner that's returning his life to the One who saved him, which is his reasonable service as the lead servant of Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek.
If you ask Matt if he's a senior pastor, a church planter, or a disciple, he will simply answer that he's just a rescued sinner that's returning his life to the One who saved him, which is his reasonable service as the lead servant of Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek.

Listen to the sermon below to learn how God provided our facility on Caley Avenue in Centennial!
Meet Pastor Matt

In 2005, I attended a men's retreat that was hosted by Calvary Chapel. As the pastor taught of God's desires for fathers and for husbands, my spirit within me raged as I came to face my true self: lost, sick with regret, and utterly brokenhearted. I had grown into a man that failed himself, failed his wife, failed his son, and, most of all, failed a holy, merciful, and just God. But God, in His lovingkindness, mercy, and boundless grace, saw fit to reveal Himself to me through the knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ. That September night, I gave my life to the Lord and found His promise to be true: “whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21). I came back from that divine appointment not perfect — not even close — but completely new.
The Bible says that if any man be in Christ Jesus then he is a new creation ... all things have passed away ... all things are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus had set me free, and all I wanted was to grow in His grace and learn to love as He loves. I've always been an all-or-nothing kind of guy, and the change that God worked in me was extremely radical to the point that I sort of freaked out my new bride. Thankfully, she hung with me, and soon we were walking side-by-side in the love and grace of Jesus.
The Bible says that if any man be in Christ Jesus then he is a new creation ... all things have passed away ... all things are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus had set me free, and all I wanted was to grow in His grace and learn to love as He loves. I've always been an all-or-nothing kind of guy, and the change that God worked in me was extremely radical to the point that I sort of freaked out my new bride. Thankfully, she hung with me, and soon we were walking side-by-side in the love and grace of Jesus.
I began to serve in any capacity I could at Calvary Chapel, eventually joining the staff as the Assistant Pastor, Youth Pastor, and a member of the worship team. My adorable daughter Madison was born in July of 2006, followed by my precious son Lincoln in December of 2009. In early 2010, I felt the Spirit of the Lord calling me out to a place that He would show me. As I prayed and sought God's will, His hand orchestrated the circumstances for my family to leave Virginia and come to the Denver metro area to plant a new and fresh work. On September 6, 2010, I arrived here in Colorado to become a part of what God was wanting to do at His to-be planted church, Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek.
God's grace and love are for the folks of Colorado, and what a blessing it is to be a part of His work!
<>< Pastor Matt Korniotes
God's grace and love are for the folks of Colorado, and what a blessing it is to be a part of His work!
<>< Pastor Matt Korniotes
I'm really just a regular guy that God has chosen to use, and, truly, His calling on my life is entirely according to His grace! Throughout my early adulthood, I tried my best to ruin my life. I lived every day for myself and was caught in a subtle, but sure, downward spiral.
I met my wife April when I was 21 years old in Virginia in May of 2002, and we married in June of 2005. I spent two years not being the person I wanted to be for her, and I found myself failing as a husband and father to my new stepson, Brantley. Just as the Bible says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9), God brought April and Brantley into my life to reach through the self-seeking darkness and save me.
I met my wife April when I was 21 years old in Virginia in May of 2002, and we married in June of 2005. I spent two years not being the person I wanted to be for her, and I found myself failing as a husband and father to my new stepson, Brantley. Just as the Bible says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9), God brought April and Brantley into my life to reach through the self-seeking darkness and save me.