But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. — Acts 1:8
At Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek, we strongly believe that when Jesus told his followers in Acts 1 to spread the Gospel worldwide, it wasn't just a suggestion – it was a mandate. This means we are committed to reaching out to our local communities, our nation, and even to the farthest corners of the globe with the message of Jesus. Our focus is on supporting and empowering those who are dedicated to preaching and teaching the Gospel, as well as those who are driven to serve the underserved by showing Christ's love through compassionate deeds. At the heart of what we do, we are simply equipping the saved to reach the lost.
Movement 5280 — Denver, Colorado
Movement 5280 is a ministry committed to providing a “family of support” for homeless and at-risk young adults in the Denver area. From their facility in Englewood, Colorado, they provide food, clothing, various services, and the love of Christ to all who enter their doors. C4 is committed to partnering with Movement 5280 through serving meals, gathering donations, and engaging with the ministry throughout the year. For more information, or to support Movement 5280 directly, visit their website at www.movement5280.org

U-Turn for Christ — Florence, Colorado
U-Turn for Christ is about freedom from drugs and alcohol through Jesus Christ. It was founded through Pastor Gerry Brown and has grown into a nationwide movement to see the chains of addiction broken through repentance and turning to Jesus Christ for salvation! Whether the whole U-Turn for Christ group comes and visits Calvary Chapel Cherry Creek or we go to visit them, our heart is to develop relationships with the men at U-Turn for Christ, pointing them to Jesus. We also come alongside Pastor Jeff Hill to support the Colorado Springs branch of U-Turn financially.

See what God is doing through U-Turn by following them on Facebook!
Jim and Renée Carrick — Caley Ridge Assisted Living
God called Jim and Renée Carrick to lead a Sunday church service (teaching and worship) at Caley Ridge Assisted Living in Englewood, Colorado after Jim's faithful service at previous assisted-living outreaches. They have spent the last six years building relationships with the elderly who live there, leading them closer to Jesus through the teaching of God's Word and through a demonstration of faith, hope, and love. Please support Jim and Renée and the residents of Caley Ridge Assisted Living through prayer.

Cedar Ranch Retreat Center - Culpepper, Virginia
Bobby and Cheryl Hawkins are urban missionaries located in central Virginia. Their missionary work began many years ago serving with Christ In Action, a disaster recovery mission organization, and has now found them managing Cedar Ranch Retreat Center in Culpepper, Virginia where they help provide a place for people to draw close to the Lord.

Loukios and Athena Nousios — Limassol, Cyprus
Loukios is the national director for Youth for Christ Cyprus. He grew up in Cyprus and spends most of his time bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the natives there. His vision is to continue the work of spreading the Gospel to the youth first, then to reach all of Cyprus. There are many ministries that he and his family are involved in!
Follow them on Facebook or check out their YFC Site to see what God is doing through Youth for Christ Cyprus!

To learn more or to encourage any of our mission teams, contact us!
Jim and Renée Carrick