Know God

Know God

 Come to know God personally, in relationship with Him.

The simple truth is …

There is a God who created you and loves you eternally (Genesis 1:1 and Romans 5:8).

Man has chosen to disobey Him and sin against Him; all have done wrong and failed to do what is right (Romans 3:23 and 1 John 1:8).

God is perfect, completely good and, as such, He cannot tolerate sin. The Bible says "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
For God so loved the world, His children and creation, that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to suffer the penalty of sin in man's place. He received the punishment that we deserve. He was the perfect sacrifice. He was put into our place and took on Himself the sentence of death that should have been ours. Jesus did not, however, remain dead. After three days, He rose from the grave and later ascended into heaven, proving Himself as God. One day, He will return for all those who are trusting in Him as their Savior.

Jesus died for you, and the Bible says that we are dead in our sins (Colossians 2:13). However, in Christ we inherit abundant and everlasting life (John 3:16 and John 10:10).

You can be saved by believing in Him and asking Him to come into your life and forgive you of your sin. If you are willing to turn away from your sin, which is simply destroying and decaying you, and turn to Him, He is waiting to forgive you and will free you from the power of sin and death. It doesn't matter what you have done in the past; if you cry out to Jesus for forgiveness, He will not reject you.

Jesus is everywhere all of the time. He can hear you now if you ask Him for forgiveness. Please turn your life over to Him now. Time slips by so quickly, and none of us are promised tomorrow, so don't miss this opportunity. If you want to pray and ask Jesus to be your Savior, you can say a prayer like this:

"Jesus, I know that I have sinned against You and my sin separates me from You, because You are God and You are perfect. I believe that You took my sins upon Yourself and died in my place. I believe that three days later You rose again. Forgive me for my sin. I reject my sin, I turn away from it, and I repent. Come into my life, take away my sin, and show me how to live my life in a way that is right and pleasing to You."

If you have prayed this, YOU ARE SAVED! You are now completely forgiven, a new creation, innocent in the eyes of God. Welcome to the family of God!

It is important for you to start to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Just like any relationship, you need to spend time with someone if you want to know that person well. The way to know God is through spending time in His Word, the Bible, and in prayer. It's also important to attend a church that teaches the Bible and teaches you how to study the Bible for yourself. This will allow you to talk with a pastor who will help explain questions you might have, and it will give you a chance to spend time with other Christians who can love, encourage, and support you.

Please let us know that you have made this decision today so that we may encourage and pray for you. Even if you have decided to reject the free gift of eternal life offered to all men through faith in Jesus Christ, we would like to hear from you to understand what is holding you back and answer any questions or hesitations you have and come alongside you in prayer. God loves you and wants you to be set free … and so do we!

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