Ephesians 4 vs 17-32
Ephesians Chapter 4 Verse 17a
· This “therefore” is the connection of Chapters 1 – 3; all that Jesus has done for me. All that He is. All that He has provided and who I am in Him and this “therefore” is also the connection of the first part of Chapter 4 which is the call to be a person that honors the Lord in unity, maturity, character and grit. Growing up, edifying and encouraging and giving and a man that has a heart to strive for what is great!
· Because Paul is going to double-down on the details as we round out this chapter but getting to the statements of shoulds and should nots are worthless without what we’ve already covered thus far in this book. Religion jumps right to the should and should nots, leaving the heart of faith, personal connection and relationship with Jesus to be either secondary or not even addressed. Not God’s way at all and the Bible knows nothing of that. God is far more concerned with our hearts than the do’s and do nots.
· Look, I’m not saying that acts, rites and disciplines aren’t important. I’m just saying that they’re not primary. I want my kids to trust me because they love me. That’s where we connect. That’s where we become and enjoy being a family. That’s where I get to be their dad. But they could do what I say to my face because they fear me or because they’re playing me…then go off and do whatever they want when I’m not around and mess themselves all up. In that case there is no love there, no respect, no connection and the relationship in many ways is laying a foundation of grief and pain in my life.
· Where as my kids that love me, admire me, respect me and revere me…, do what I am teaching them because of those things and especially when I’m not around, it becomes who they are…, then hey, that relationship is sweet and, in many ways, defines even my life as their dad. I not only enjoy that; I cherish my connection with my kids at that point and there is this sweetness of connection.
· So, which do you want. Kids that obey you when you’re around because they know how heavy handed you are and how easy to play you are…or kids that learn from you because they look to you for wisdom and what they learn they apply not because you’ll judge them if they don’t, but because they truly think you care for them and have their best interest in mind? They trust you. See what I’m saying? And that’s a weak, very weak, earthly relationship example. How much more your Heavenly Father who loves you so much He not only would but did place your life above His own and gave Himself to save you?
· So, therefore, because of how much you are loved. Because of how incredibly amazing our God is. And because you are one that has discovered His goodness and walk in His grace, therefore…
Ephesians Chapter 4 Verses 17 – 19
· Paul is not dissing (do the kids still say that?) gentiles and calling them stupid. Not at all! His heart is to reach them, provide for them and bring them to the Lord. These are statements of fact outside of emotion or judgment. Paul says that apart from walking with the Lord, a person only has one option. To walk in the futility of their mind. I mean…DUH!
· That’s the only resource we’ve got at that point! HA! Take a 7th grader for example. I remember being 12 years old. (I mean, that’s us as a church, ha! We’re basically a 7th grader!) And send them to Wall Street. Just drop them off in New York City and say, “Good luck kid!” Cruel, harsh, if you’re their father, stupid! You’re ruining them. Why? All they’ve got is zero information about everything!
· But, the child of the person that created the stock market. With endless resources. Never made a mistake. Everything that father has ever done has been perfect and that father takes his kid and gives him all that he has… All the resources, staff, processes, tools, and even says that he’ll stay right with him every step of the way in love and gentleness and connection, guiding that kiddo… Listen, doesn’t matter if that child is 2 years old with all that, they’re going to do well, and they’re to be rich! Does that make sense?
· If all I have available to me is my own mind, no matter how smart I am, there is futility there. The word means vanity. That on my own, and this is what humans do, we naturally look out for ourselves ferociously which leads us to see the world differently than it actually is…, because we see it through the soda straw of self and there is MUCH more going on in this world, this church, this family, this place of employment, this whatever, MUCH more going on than me. If your world is centered upon yourself then you live in a very small world…
· Understanding is darkened as Paul says here, focused on self takes you out of the will of God not because you’re a bad person but because there is a blindness that is always associated with vanity. Paul calls it ignorance which is what it is. Folks that are in sin aren’t to be judged and condemned, they are to be instructed. Because if you knew what God, who God, how God then you wouldn’t be so vain (Carley Simon, HA!).
· But focusing only on self binds and blinds and sensing, feeling what is right in the eyes of God numbs and the flesh walks you right into a life of greed. There are two powerful motivators in the world today that move folks; love and greed. The true follower of Jesus is motivated by love and that love is the love of Christ in them. They are giving of themselves because they are motivated by the love that has given so much to them. Whereas those motivated by greed are preoccupied, wired and program with getting. What’s best for me…
· Paul says, therefore. Get to know Christ and grow up into the resources God has provided for you in Jesus that by submitting to, you actually walk right out of futility and into well, turn these verses around. Paul says futility leads you to darkened understanding, alienated from God’s will, ignorant, blind, past feeling and greedy. So, turn that around. Accept, apply and surrender to what we’ve already read in this book and the opposite is you. Not futile but mature. Enlightened understanding. Squarely living in God’s will and plan for your life. Understanding the big picture and the deets, seeing with eyes of wisdom, sensing even what’s happened, going on and even yet ahead and a spirit within you of graceful generosity. Just like Jesus…, you’re becoming a Christian…, and now some really practical do’s and don’ts…
Ephesians Chapter 4 Verses 20 – 24
· Here’s the picture, the thought. You’ve got a meeting, a date with both the flesh and the spirit every day, really in every situation. The flesh looks really good. All done up. Quite attractive, incredibly tempting. But she/he will eat you alive and destroy you. HA. You know him don’t you? HA! And then there’s the spirit. Humble. Pretty, handsome but in a heart way, ha! She’ll give you a great life, treat you right, encourage you and build you up. But sometimes she’s a little boring, ha! Which do you ghost?
· You can’t go to both. You ever see Mrs. Doubtfire? HA! That was a mess and you end up showing up to one being the wrong person, right!? Makes total sense! But this is the idea Paul is saying. Before you were a Christian, you didn’t have this choice or this ability. All you had was the flesh…but now you have the power of choice. Your free will is actually awakened once you know Jesus…and now, you can choose to put off, to stand up, to ghost the flesh!
Ephesians Chapter 4 Verse 25a
· That is it! THE thing! the number one way to do it because that is humility. Be revealed and so be it! Stop lying. Stop hiding all that is hurting you. All that you are struggling with. Tell the truth in love and deal with your demons, man! If everyone told the truth you think this world would be a terrible place? Absolutely not! This world would be dimensionally more mature!
· The word in the Greek is pseudos. Put away the fake you, falsehoods, hiding and deception… And when that causes problems, whatever that causes, deal with it! Oh, the horror!
Ephesians Chapter 4 Verses 25 – 26
· Actually deal with anger. Undealt with anger turns into confusion, depression, and eventually bitterness of spirit. Apologize, soften up, forgive and make your date with the spirit before you go to bed. One of the most insulting and demeaning things is knowing someone can sleep soundly when you’ve been hurt badly by them. So, stop. This is how we as real Christians ought to operate. But wait, there’s more!!
Ephesians Chapter 4 Verses 27 – 29
· This does not mean that you have to be some sort of vanilla, pre-programmed Christian. Have fun, cut up, make fun but do those things in such a way that it strengthens through grace rather than destroys through contempt. Really, here’s how you know what is and is not acceptable, the next verse…
Ephesians Chapter 4 Verse 30 – 32
· Kindness is King because Jesus is King! Tat that on your character! Here’s the word in the Greek, “easy.” Be easy on each other. Make life easier when you’re around. That is the life-mark of a Christian! Make life good, make life gracious, make life mild, make life pleasant…, make life just a bit more manageable. That’s what this word means. Oh man, how wonderful if I were to be surrounded by people that were that for me… I’d be surrounded by a bunch of…., Christians (because that is one thing Jesus does for me)!